So school wasn't as bad as i though this week, i did have a oral test and final exam in Portuguese but i think that they went well and i understood almost everything on them, so that's a good sign.
But yesterday we went to a really cool food market where they had tons of fruit and vegetables, we also saw one of the biggest butts in the world. But anyways after that adventure we all went to the beach and hung out and i think i got a little tanner then, but the waves were huge, and the were knocking everyone over! quite funny if you weren't the one with sand everywhere and salt water up your nose.
We went to matt;s house to hang out before we went out but we never got anywhere, we just stayed there for 6 hours dancing talking and drinking. just like a party haha it was fun and his dad wants to have us over again, he is so nice and his house is beautiful! marble staircases and everything!
But the next morning( this morning) i had to get up early to go on a boat for my family and it was a birthday party. I slept about 2 hours, but i couldn't sleep anyway. So this was a 8-hour journey where we went to different islands close to Salvador and swam, walked around, ate a lot of food, and i did a lot of tanning. and i am sure that i am a little sunburned, but it will go away but i am not up to my moms level just yet. I made some friends too and they said i speak good portguesee which i had to because everyone only spoke that, so if i didn't want to be bored the whole time i had to speak up. It was a beautiful day i just wish i had some energy to go out tonight. nescau where are you?
You posted the nice butt.... lol