So Sunday was not as exciting as it should have been. We were suppose to see the catacombs which is i think a large underground area with a lot of skulls. I am not sure the history behind it but the line was super long and it was going to be at least 3 hour long wait so we decided to do it during the week when it wasn't so busy.
We walked around for a little but and then when to eat some crepes and then walked back home to the foyer. I took a nap because for some reason i was still tired. I woke up and then had another crepe for dinner, which was VERY good! it was chicken and feta cheese. Almost half of the program went upstairs to do some reading up on the terrace and the sunset was amazing. The Eiffel tower just looked unreal with all of the colors in the background. The bad thing is that only being here for a week i feel like i am getting a little used to Paris and being around all of this magnificence.
After dark, we all went downstairs and then studied a bit more and then went to sleep.
I woke up early today to go running in the gardens before class. However it was a little harder than normal, but i think that i need a little more protein because i haven't been eating at much meat lately because of the cost. A lot more bread and fruit, but i am not hungry, but have lost weight.
After class today we made our way outside Paris to visit a castle, it was called La Chateau du Saint Germain en Layee and was about 40 minutes away on the metro after a twenty minute walk. It was in a very cute little town that had a lot of cafes, shops, and food. I bought a cute shirt that was on sale and a couple others bought some clothes as well.
The castle was cool, it was smaller than i had thought but the outside looked very nice and we went to the inside of the castle and it was impressive as well. There was not a lot of rooms that we could enter that were anything but museums, but the exhibits were nice, a lot of historical artifacts from as far back as 2400 BC. The chapel was perhaps the most intact out of the whole castle, and it had amazing ceilings and architecture.
After coming home, Ivana and i made ourselves a little dinner and then she went out for a bit but i was tired so how i am just going to go to sleep :) Bonsoir Paris