So today was Bastille day and there was a parade in the morning. Although i am not the biggest fan parades i went anyways and there was a lot of people, as i expected and more Parisians than i thought there would be.
However, i was suppose to meet some of our friends that we met in London, who are from Australia, but they don't know any french, didn't own a map, and had only been in Paris for 10 hours before they decided to meet us. So they were lost for a while, but we randomly found them in the metro going to the Champs Elysee. The parade was ok. not what i had expected because it was it was a military parade with tanks and guns and all branches of the army of France. But i did get to see Nicolas sarkozy, the president of France, which was very cool to me.
We had class in the Luxembourg gardens and a lot of french people were wondering what a large groups of Americans were doing sitting in a circle eating pie and talking about being french and flanerie. So then we went back to the foyer to regroup and decided what to do. And after a lot of uncompromising ideas we decided to go to another museum. d'orsay, the one we couldn't go to before.
It was nice but you couldn't take pictures. which held me back a little but i held it together. So we got some food and walked over the Invaildes, a place that we were going to watch the fireworks from the Eiffel tower because it is independence day in France. We met some of Esmee's friends there, who were french and they taught us that an American English accent speaking french is very cute. Something that is hard to believe to me because i don't think that English is the prettiest language let alone have an accent in french. This is probably because i have tried so hard to get rid of my accent in Spanish and Portuguese.
The fireworks were not as magnificent as i thought but they were going to be, but still nice. After it was over we walked the streets to try and see the base of the Eiffel tower. We did it and it was such an experience, part of the beauty of the night was the fact that so many people were on the streets that traffic had stopped and everyone just enjoyed the night. Although it was crazy, and i have never seen that many people in my life walking in the street, i wasn't scared or worried about getting lost or anything happening to me.
Paris has a weird way to making you feel a part of the city and people
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