Friday night was crazy. It was a very fun bar but you could barley dance because there was so many people there! funny enough that it started raining outside and i wanted to go out despite that because it was so much cooler there. They did play very good music though, and i am down to go back because it was a good atmosphere. I even walked there and back in my heels, i was very proud of myself :) with a group of 10 people both times, and Paris is a very safe city compared to where i have been in south America.
I slept in on Saturday as did most people. We went to a cafe and ate some food and i had a omelet, which was very good. However we tried studying.. it got interrupted because a gypsy women came up to Paul and tried to get him to read a piece of paper in Italian but little did we know she was stealing his phone. The whole thing did seem weird but most of us didn't think about it because we were reading and eating. So we ended up coming back home because it was cold outside and we were all kinda mad at what had happened. We studied for a while and then changed clothes to go to the park.
Tiffany and her fiance had a group of friends playing a game with silver balls that you roll on the ground to hit each other. I didn't play but it looked interesting. I talked to some french people... and what surprised me the most was the amount of languages that they knew. It is so common for them to know at least 2 and be able to hold a conversation in 3, it makes me look average, when in the united states, English is usually the primary language spoken among my friends. The European education is better than the American one i think. :/ and they paid 1,000's less.
A couple hours after the park closed we walked to a bridge where a lot of Parisians like to hang out, and me as i am terrified of bridges was very reluctant to go over it. Especially because one of the french told me that it was the oldest bridge in Paris, which made me a little more scared and less scared at the same time. Because it is sturdy because it lasted this long and also because it could break because it is so old. But i stood near the ends and on a post that was where i couldn't see the water. The french were very nice, the helped us learn french a little, and we spoke spanish and english as well. Even one of them did card tricks, which were very good! We came home a little late but i got to sleep in today :) and it is Sunday!
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