I think this is my 6th day in Brazil and i think i just want to stay, its amazing. Yesterday we had class and it was okay, but i little boring for me because i was in the intermediate but then i moved today to advanced so it was all good. The classes seem long but only 2 hours at a time and we have a break so it isn't bad, and it doesn't seem like a real class because we only have around 12 people in the Portuguese and then its the program in the other.
Yesterday almost the entire group went out the this bar in the city for salsa night, the bar was African, the band was Chilean and we are in brasil, crazy mix that totally worked out! The music was amazing and everyone was dancing it was so much fun, nobody really cared and there was no problems :) we stayed out until 3, because it was one of the girls in the group's birthday, and she turned 21, so we simply had to celebrate hard! when we got home i tried to go in my apartment complex and the guard said i didn't live there but i had never seen the guard before so how do i know that he doesn't really work there, anyways i finally got in.
Although i didn't get much sleep last night i woke up today without a headache or even really feeling that tired, which is weird for me cause i am so used to a agenda. Maybe my body has found out that i am on vacation and its coping well. So after school a couple of us went to the mall to try and buy phones, which was a fail because we didn't know that you needed a passport for that kind of thing, but brasil need identification for everything, they would probably check your blood type if they could. So we also tried to buy some swim suits for the weekend because we are going to a small island off the city called morro de sao paulo. So we ventured into foreign territory and bought the tiny little bottoms that don't even cover your bottom, but oh well we are in Brazil and we must do as the brazilains do!
This post was very funny, I love the part where you were describing buying a new bathing suit in Brazil.....