Do you remember how i said that a couple of my friends and i were going to go the airport to buy tickets to go to rio de janiero? well that was a entire day adventure, we all met at 1230pm and decided to catch the bus to go, well in Brazil there isn't a bus schedule...you just stand there totally available for any car to take you out as you wait to wave down the bus that may or may not come. Well it did come eventually after 45minutes, and it was only around a dollar (which was the only good part)and it took about an hour and a half to get there. And we went around to even company and found out that the tourist agencies actually have the best price, so we bought our tickets for 255 reias (125 dollars) to get there and back on the 20th-25th of October. I am excited because that weekend there wont be as many people and the prices wont be ranked up because of the holiday. But the way back was brutal... it was almost 2 and a half hours on that bus, lucky we were sitting next to people that we knew... but it was packed tight and a drunk guy came on the bus with his beer just to say hi. So we left at around 1pm and came back at 730pm, and most of the trip was in transit. But i got back in time to change and shower to go out to my moms birthday.
So i have realized here that when you have a birthday, it isn't one day... its as long as you can stretch it out. my moms birthday is actually today but it started on Tuesday, my friends and i went out to salsa and she said that she was going too! she is really fun and all my friends were impressed that she was so cool. Anyways we all went out to a nice restaurant where there was live music and good juice and food, and a lot of the family came out. Leo came with me, which was good to not be the only one who spoke English, but he was a little overwhelmed by all of the people, as i was the first time. But we had a good time, and the singer was so animated that i couldn't help but think about the only Latin guy in the movie "proposal" that played the exotic dancer, priest, the tool shop owner, and who knows what else, but he defiantly looked exactly like him. After we all ate and drank, my brother and i went home and my mom went out to go party somewhere else with her friends and cousins. She parties hard.
This morning Leo called me to wake up, i sleep through so many alarms even here when they are so loud and annoying, i seem to be able to press snooze without remembering every 5 minutes that i had already pressed it. But i manged to get up and go to the beach for a couple of hours today, although there wasn't that much sun... it was really hot. Then i came home and at lunch with my family and had the best chocolate cake ever! They told me that they are going to a wedding today at a nice place that i don't really remember the name but they said they will be out until 6 in the morning and i think the 5 days of partying out of 7 a week might be getting to me, because i just might go out to a movie instead. but i want some more of that cake as i am writing this. So i think i am going to get some, tchau!
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