So we are about to start October where i am from i am used to the nice fall leaves, colored trees, apple cider, and a very good excuse to go shopping for cute scarves, pants and jackets. BUT...that aint happening here in Brazil, i just spent the day yesterday sweating in class then going to the mall to buy bug spray and 2 more bathing suits. In total now i have 12, and it has been only a month. However each bathing suit gets smaller and my tan get darker. Its kinda cool i think, at least at Christmas i will be tan instead of the porcelain doll white that i usually am. I think i am started am obsession though because, i love bathing suits almost as much as i love pens, which is a lot. I do have a number of obsessions here that have started in Brazil, bikinis are taking the top, flip flops, fried bananas, earrings, and nascau chocolate milk. They all pretty much make my day better!
We are all going to Praia de Forte tomorrow morning, which is a huge beach ( i think) with these 300lb pound turtles that can live past 100 years. I am not sure how i feel about a giant reptile that can kill me, but i am going along for it, we might even get to go scuba-ing...( if that's a word)
I am also debating whether or not to go on this amazon trip for 5 days for about 1000 dollars with everything included. I mean i don't have shots, or amazon clothes and i getting eaten by bugs here but yet it still sounds like it would be fun to go. I think this novela (soap opera) that i am watching that is placed in the amazon is temping me to go. But i still am not sure, because i don't like sleeping on the ground in general, but i don't like the jungle ground even more. (or at least i don't think i would).
Anyways we just finished a module in culture class so i don't have that much homework this weekend! YAY party haha this week was very busy with homework, awesome huh? i am in south America and i have to read inside when the beach is calling me...
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