So today is a day of resistance throughout the Universities in California to be against the fee increases. The tuition is going to increased by 32% in all universities. This is not only going to prevent many kids from enrolling into college but it is going to prevent those who already in college from deciding to go abroad and experience the world, as many of us are here. This takes away so many opportunities that can benefit and help them in their lives and those around them. There has been so many of them to compensate for the government spending. Although many people did not like President Bush, he never spent this much money, Obama has spent more money in his first year in office and Bush Jr. did in his entire term, all 8 years. It is ridiculous how much money is charged to students who are trying to get an education. 40 years ago, so many of the schools were free, or little money was need to be paid by the student, now many students have to work to just stay in school, and get loans that they will probably be paying well into their 30's. That is if they are not "special" in some way to receive financial aid threw grants and scholarships.
Maybe the meeting that we are going to have today, ABROAD, will show the UC's that their students are speaking out and trying to show their dis concern, even if we are 4500+ miles away from the school, it still effects us here. We are all wearing blue to show our solidarity together with the same ideas. We are paying more, but getting less. The trips that were promised to us had been canceled, and we have to pay for transportation to and from school activities, it is not right. We are paying to much money to have the experience taken away from us, lie it has been. One day education will be the most important thing, but as for now, our world is not like this. Charge Charge Charge is the only way the think will make everything better.
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