So after thanksgiving, i usually feel like Christmas is around the corner and at home i am so ready to bake a lot of cookies, breads, and sweets to make my family members fat and then wrap any present i can get my hands on, because i like wrapping presents a lot of some reason. It works out though, my dad hates it. But this year instead of eating turkey and stuffing left overs, i am going to the beach and going out to clubs and dancing to Brazilian music. It has been such a different feeling around this "fall/winter" because i have been experiencing a "spring/summer" here.
On Friday i went to the mall with Rebbecca and Haley to get some stuff and it was a Santa's village theme. It was cute, but i thought there were some things that where just a little off and weird. First there were 2 Santa's, but they were fake and in their robotic voices they were giving a tutorial about how to make chocolate cake. Then they had fake reindeer's that had saddlebags of chocolate, but it looked like poop. They also had lamps/ chandeliers that had fake cakes on the top of them. Then i saw the real Santa" and although he had a real beard, he was on a cell phone, while the kids were in line to see him, last time i checked, Santa didn't have a cell phone, and he had a wife name Mrs. Claus. I am not sure if Brazilians do Christmas right here. Later Mollie came over and we ate popcorn and watched inception. Which is a really good, but confusing movie.
On Saturday i did some work in the morning and then Mollie and i went to the beach, it was kind of a cloudy day, so we didn't get to see a sunset.I took a run in campo grande, for the first time at night, and it wasn't that bad, although i am still scared of the dark. Later about 12 of us went out to a club called Garotas Cariocas, which means in English, sexy people from Rio de Janiero. We took the bus there, which was fun because with 12 Americans and a girl playing lady GAGa, we sang and everyone looked at us, but it was all good. It was a really fun place! It was 15 rieas to get in and we stayed till 4am. The Band that we saw, was our 4th time seeing them, named Os reis da Festa, kings of the party. They know who we are by now, but its awesome because i really love there songs and when they left i stole their play list. Muhahaha. I got a ride home with Marisol's brother, and he didn't stop anywhere like he usually does, so it was great. It would have been an expensive taxi ride too, so i got home at 5am and i only spent R$20, it was a success.
Today i had plans to go to Itaparica or a different beach, but it didn't work because we got home so late, we all woke up late. So Haley Mollie and i went to Mercado Modelo, but it was closing so we just went up to buy ice cream and then went to the beach in Barra. It was sunny and nice today, we got there kind of late so it didn't last long, but i got some cool pictures of the sun today. Anyways now i have a Portuguese presentation, Culture class paper, Portuguese Final, and a Culture class final in the next 4 days. Sucks i have to study a lot in my last week here in Salvador.
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