I just got back from the Cachoiera trip that nobody thought would be worth it, but it was. We were only gone for a day and a half, but it still felt like longer because we got out of Salvador, which was good. We went with the entire group so it was good to get to hang out with everyone all together. We started out by getting up at 6am to be able to get taxis and be at the ferry boat station by 730am. And although we were on time, with maybe 5 minutes to spare our tour guide shows up at 7:29am saying that we are early. But it is Brazil and that means that anything on time is still early and if you are at least a half an hour after the time your suppose to be there, your still early and on time.
So we got on the boat, and it reminded me much of the boat trip that i went on with my mom but funner because i was with all of my friends and there was no language barrier. And they had fruit and water juice and soda for us and we all brought snacks. Although they ran out of water within 2 hours because being in the sun that much makes 40 kids really thirsty. We first sailed for about 2 hours towards an island that i don't remember the name of, but i am sure that nobody really lives th;ere and it is just a little stop off in the bay for boat tours. But nevertheless it was really cool because there was this huge pier about 40 or 50ft high that all of us jumped off of. There were these stairs that we very old and were high for the tide, but i wanted to pull myself up so i tried and it didn't work too well and i totally scraped up my knee and it was bleeding everywhere. It stung when i jumped back into the salt water too, but i think it will heel fast because i am putting stuff on it. So after that some of the people that couldn't swim got off during the low tide and then when it was time to go it was high tide and they had to be rescued to get back in the boat because they were scared. Quite comical if you were watching because it wasn't actually that deep, but whatever, i bet that they are not scared of bridges.
So then we went along sailed for another 3 hours on the river to get to the city and we went on the top of the boat where we were sunbathing and taking a bunch of cool pictures, mostly of our butts, but when in Brazil or butts in Brazil? I got some good color though, where as some people got burnt. When we arrived we got off and went to the hotel and took a quite city tour, which was small because the city is small and they took us to a cachaca making plant where they make flavored alcohol. Then we walked back to eat dinner, which we devoured because it was a long day and all of us were so hungry, it was a buffet, but only until we ate everything gone.
I went swimming a little bit after i ate and then I took a shower and changed into clothes and went downstairs to hang out. we brought our own music and alcohol to have a little party where the pool was. It was fun besides that fact that after i was nice and clean Axel picked me up and i got thrown into the pool, lucky Rachel was there to take my camera before he took me down with him in the water, and she filmed it, convenient huh? There were so many people getting pushed into the pool, but i was the only one that was fully clothed, oh well. It was fun though and then i got cold so Haley and i went to sleep.
This morning we woke up and ate breakfast and it was almost as good as the breakfast that we had in Itacare, which was amazing. But they did have nescau, so i was very happy. So we took a small tour again and then got all of our stuff and went to lunch. Lunch was at a Fazenda, which is a Portuguese/Brazilian style ranch and they had a lot of food and even passion fruit yogurt type of dessert and they had a pool as well. The view was the most amazing part, and Erika and i took a lot of pictures, because i think it is in our blood. Her Chinese dad, and my Japanese mom handed down the obsession to take pictures to there offspring. So then we left and were on our way back to Salvador, on one of the most bumpy rides in the world, but i cant expect much more, because i think Brazilian roads are extremely uneven and their vehicle makers haven't yet invented suspension.
So Salvador here i am and now i have to write a paper about racism. :(
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