written on 19 November.
So I really should be studying this weekend because I have a final in culture coming up soon, and am Portuguese final, composition, and project due in the next 2 weeks, but I can’t bring myself to stay in my room when it is sunny and nice outside. This week of school went very fast to me, because we had another holiday on Monday and then a walk out on Tuesday to protest fee increase, which they passed for the upcoming school year, so when I get back to Davis, and I going to find a way to get out of there as fast as I can to avoid any more increases to come. So Thursday came fast, which means the weekend has started. After school about 5 of my friends and I went to Mercado modelo to go shopping, and I can say that I am totally done! Yay. Too bad I am going to have to pack accordingly to make everything fit, and not to mention I am going to have to where my winter clothes to the airport in Brazil, where I am sure I will get looks while wearing a fur coat and pants in the middle of the Brazilian summer. Oh well, I know that San Francisco will be cold when I arrive at 7am on December 6.
That night, about 12 of us went out to the club called “whats up”, it was fun and I am really learning how to dance like a Brazilian. Although if I dance like this in the United States I think I might get some weird looks. But oh well, Bahia Brazil is such a dance culture, that if someone starts to make a beat, someone close will start moving their body. I am learning to words to the songs to, so I can sing along and pretend to be Brazilian, until they realize that I have a Spanish/English accent in Portuguese and with that I am not really Brazilian. Well the night ended odd. We got a taxi and he stopped to get gas (which was my first time in Brazil, getting gas at the gas station) and then the driver went the wrong way on a one way street and go pulled over by a cop and got a ticket. It was certainly an experience; the cop was even trying to hit on us…awkward.
Friday morning I woke up and got ready to see my favorite series of movies. I think I was showing my inner nerd (although it is outer as well) to my friends by recapping the harry potter movies. I don’t remember when I read the last book, the 7th, but I know that I read it twice, and it was very good. And this movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, parte 1, was one of the best ones out of the series. I rode on a bus sweating and afraid to touch the seats because of germs for one hour there and one hour back to see this movie, for R$8, 5 US dollars. It was interesting seeing Portuguese subtitles and I think my friends and I were the only ones in the theater who didn’t need to read them. Either way it was very exciting, and I am sure I will go and see it again in the States.
Afterwards we had a little festa (party) at Haley’s house. It was so cute; her mom put out snacks and set the table for us. We had about 7 people over and ate pizza, acai, ice cream, and chocolate cake. Her mom made and bought us all food, they are such a god host family, and it was so cute. There were small spoons, plates, and knifes too. Then we just hung out and talked about school, and our lives back in the States and waiting to see how the transition from our Brazilian life here, and back to our real life at home.
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